10 quick wins for a longer, healthier life

That you can start right now.

Hey JOLTers!

We know life can feel like a lot sometimes, and overhauling your entire health routine? That battle feels over before it starts. With work, balancing a social life and making time for you, there’s not much wiggle room. That is why we have put together 10 quick wins you can make today, that can help lengthen your health-span. 

Remember, the small changes are the ones that make the biggest difference. 

1. Start your day with 3 minutes of daylight

Step outside first thing in the morning (yes, it can be in your slippers). Sunlight resets your circadian rhythm, helps regulate your hormones, and gives your body the type of wake-up that you wouldn’t get from your morning latte. 

2. Drink water before coffee

Speaking of coffee, it shouldn’t be the first thing you reach for. Dehydration makes you sluggish, foggy, AND cranky. So, no more zombie walking to the coffee machine. Fill that water bottle up first, your body and skin will thank you. 

3. Move for just 20 minutes

Heading to the gym after work can be a great habit, but if it’s starting to feel hard to stick to, don’t work yourself up about it. There are plenty of ways to get moving at home. A dance while cooking tea, opting for the stairs, or even a few stretches can get your blood flowing and help reduce inflammation. 

4. Stop and breathe

Stress ages you, and it can age you fast. Next time you feel yourself bubbling up with stress, stop. Identify what’s making you feel that way, take some deep breaths, and bring yourself back down to the ground.

5. Go screen-free before bed

We don’t want to sound like your mom, but your late night scrolling is not doing you any favours. Set a “screen curfew” at least 30 minutes before bed and swap your phone for a book, a bath, or… (wink wink).

6. Hug someone you love

Did you know, hugging for just 20 seconds can release oxytocin, the “love hormone,” which helps lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and improve mood? So, you’re not allowed to read point 7 before you’ve gone and hugged someone. 

7. Laugh more

You better have gone and got your hug. We’re not joking. Anyway, laughing is a GREAT way to reduce your stress levels. And, if life isn’t feeling very funny, Russell is currently on tour. And, if that doesn’t make you laugh, maybe try Russell Howard instead?

8. Stand up every hour

Sitting at your desk for 8 hours a day isn’t good and this shouldn’t be normalised. Next time you’re in the office, we want you to get up every hour and do a lap. You might become the weird colleague, but hey, you’ll be busting moves at your 80th birthday. 

9. Smile (even if you’re faking it)

Every morning, practice smiling at the people you walk past. That might sound a bit odd at first, but try it. It looks good on you. 

10. Once you’ve done all of these…

ONLY after you’ve done all of the above points do you have permission to tackle this final one. We might be biased, but it’s to take JOLT. Here’s why: JOLT isn’t meant to sit on top of your Big Mac while you spend the day binge-watching Netflix. JOLT is designed to supercharge everything you’re already doing for your health. That’s when you’ll see the BEST results.

The secret to living longer isn’t about doing everything perfectly. It’s about small, consistent actions that compound over time. Pick one tip (or all ten), start today, and watch how good you feel.

Catch you later, 

The JOLT Team. 

P.S. If you are reading this Russ, we’re sorry about the Russell Howard comment, we promise we still think you’re funny. 

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