"Guess who's back, back again."

JOLT is back, tell a friend. 

Hey JOLTers! We’re here to bring some light to your inbox, as JOLT is BACK IN STOCK, with our biggest stock order to date! We have been super busy over at JOLT HQ and Russell is getting ready on his scooter to deliver your orders across the UK. Just kidding, our Royal Mail delivery service is FAR more reliable than Russell and his scooter. 

We thought this would be the perfect opportunity to answer some FAQ’s, for new customers and returning! To gear you up with all the knowledge you might need before purchasing your first JOLT bottle, or to remind those on the best way to take your daily dose. 

How do I take JOLT?

Let’s start with the baby steps, you should take all three capsules, (at the same time), ideally in the morning with a source of fat, such as a dollop of Greek yogurt or a handful of nuts. The fat source helps with proper absorption ensuring you get allll the good stuff where it needs to be. 

If you’re new to JOLT and haven’t taken the ingredients before, you may want to start with one capsule a day for the first week and build your tolerance slowly. Monitor how you feel, and gradually increase to the full three capsules over the next few weeks.

Does it actually work?

We’ve had some really positive customer reviews since launching JOLT, with customers reporting seeing results in as little as 30 days! In fact, Amanda started feeling a benefit within just DAYS. Now that's one to brag about. 

Fast Results

"I was surprised to feel a benefit within days of beginning taking this supplement. I am 63 and have always been fit and eaten a healthy diet but over the past 2 years begun to feel not only that age was catching up with me, but overtaking me. I thought my 5k times would be a useful metric to assess JOLT's benefit. The first Parkrun I did 3 days after starting JOLT got me a PB for 2024 and the next week a new PB for the year. My eczema has gone and my joints are less achy. Well worth the investment!" - Amanda 


The ingredients in our capsules are also all 3rd party tested, and scientifically backed, so you can be rest assured you’re getting the pure good stuff in with no rubbish along the way. 

Remember, JOLT’s most powerful benefits work from the inside out, rejuvenating you at the cellular level. With its compound effect, the results only get better with time!

What is in JOLT?

The main thing to highlight here is that the ingredients are NOT new to the scene. JOLT combines 7 scientifically backed ingredients into a convenient one dose per day solution. JOLT contains:

  • Fisetin
  • R-Lipoic Acid 
  • Skinax2 
  • NMN
  • Trans Resveratrol 
  • Curcumin
  • Ceramosides 

You can read more about our ingredients here, https://www.joltmyworld.com/pages/health-span

Our co-founder Russell had been taking all these ingredients separately for years, but it was both inconvenient and expensive. His wife Lindsey combined them into a convenient, once-daily supplement that's much more affordable for those seeking the same benefits without the high cost.

Sound like something you could benefit from? You can purchase your first bottle of JOLT here 👇



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