JOLT: Behind the capsules

Oh hey, JOLTers!

Now, we don’t mean to brag. However, after JOLT has been awarded the No.1 supplement for energy, been featured in Vogue (yes, VOGUE) and helped a whole lot of men and women work towards maximising their health-span - we’d say we’ve pretty much mastered our trade.

We get a lot of DM’s asking what exactly is in JOLT, the quantities and what results each one brings to the table. Let’s pick it apart together. 

500mg of NMN:

One of the powerhouses behind JOLT (metaphorically, and literally.) NMN helps power the house of your cells, the mitochondria. For those that feel sluggish, and want to literally throw their alarm at the wall in the mornings, NMN is gonna be your best friend. This ingredient brings a natural energy, none of these caffeine shakes and a false buzz, just a fulfilling readiness for the day ahead. 

Not only this, NMN has also provided positive results with preventing ageing-related disorders such as Alzheimers - we’ve got a blog post unpicking the findings and simplifying the science coming your way, so keep a look out.

500mg of Trans-Resveratrol:

(A tongue twister, we know). 

This helps your body in managing which cells need to be cleared out, as they are old, dysfunctional and spoiling the party. We like to think of it as a spring cleaner, an ingredient you didn’t know you needed until you had it. Trans-Resveratrol can also help with inflammation levels, through charging your cells ‘batteries.’

50mg of Fisetin:

Another impressive ingredient, that interestingly can also be found in strawberries. This ingredient pairs up nicely with Trans-Resveratrol, ‘cleaning’ the body from cells which aren’t doing the body any good. Fresh produce near rotten food is never good. 

100mg of R-Lipoic Acid:

This is an active version of Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) which is a natural compound that helps the body to turn food into energy, and therefore acts as an antioxidant by protecting your cells from damage! ALA is vital for the metabolism of macronutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats too, (no, this doesn’t mean you can just eat potatoes and pasta whilst taking JOLT.) Unfortunately. 

250mg of Curcumin:

As well as being a key ingredient in some of our favourite Indian meals, it comes with many other valuable qualities such as: protecting cells, reducing inflammation and preventing muscle soreness. Cue sitting on the toilet after leg day, being that little bit less painful. 

Curcumin is also one of the main active ingredients found in turmeric. It is a major component and is one of the key things that is behind the well-known benefits of turmeric itself. 

150mg of Skinax2:

This ingredient holds extracts of grape, melon AND zinc! It can significantly boost collagen levels (yes, that thing that is constantly referred to in fancy skincare routines) as well as massively improving skin radiancy and hydration. 

30mg of Ceramosides:

And finally, our last ingredient. We like to refer to this as the ‘glue’ that holds your skin cells together. Through not having enough ceramide in your systems - you are more likely to develop skin conditions such as eczema, acne, rosacea, and psoriasis. No fun for anyone. 

So…that’s JOLT! Nothing new, just tried and tested, high quality ingredients, that we know do the absolute most for you and your body. Combined into an easy daily dose for your convenience. 

Sending the best vibes your way,

The JOLT team ⚡️

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